Team Song
Barb Wakeham insured our immortalization when she penned “The Song of the Avalon Dragons”, sung to the tune of “I’se Da B’y” that rang out over the loudspeaker as we got ready for our first race:
We're the gals that built the boat
and we’re the gals that paddles her
We're the gals that showed the world
we're breast cancer survivors
Hip to your partner on the seat
Hip to your partner row on row
Paddles ready, paddles up
Hit the water, let her go
We're the gals from Newfoundland
an island in the sea
We came here from Paradise
to claim our victory
We took Bruce to McDonald Drive
and faithfully he did travel
and every step that we did take
He was there to guide us.
We finished the boat--it wasn't enough
Bruce said we had to mould her
So up to Seal Cove we did go
to learn to fibreglass her
A year and a half and lots of work
It took to build our team
So when we race, no matter our place
We've realized our dream.
By Barb Wakeham, 2008; Verse 2, Karen Ryder, 2011
Doreen Reardigan
Sung to the tune of "Merry Ploughboy"
We are the Avalon Dragons
And we've survived so much
But now we're fit to do our bit
As paddlers keep in touch
We thank the town of Paradise
They've done so much for us
And only for our sponsors dear
We'd all be in a fuss
Our coaches are so good to us
And give us all their time
As do the men who come each night
With safety boat and line
Let's not forget our special friend
Who always does come through
With chocolate bars and lovely meals
And other prizes too
So health and wealth to everyone
Who helped in any way
We are sisters one and all
And this is how we'll stay.
Also, a dandy little chant:
Avalon Dragons, here we come
We bring our paddles and our drum
We travel near, we travel far
Avalon Dragons, here we are!!!