Board of Directors
Avalon Dragon Boating is a fully incorporated, non-profit organization that provides support to our team of breast cancer survivors. We are a registered charity, having charitable tax status with Revenue Canada.
We rely on corporate and private donations as well as member participation for our financial and administrative needs. We have wonderful volunteer resources and are run by an elected Board of Directors made up of survivors, family, friends, and supporters.
Executive Committee
Founder: Julie Bettney
Chair: Alice Mannion
Vice Chair: Jo Ann Whitten
Secretary: Vivian Templeman
Treasurer: April Newhook
Past Chair: Treva Aberle
Committee Chairs
Boats & Pond Chair: Brian Mannion
Communications Chair: Jodie Rice
Membership/Outreach Chair, At Large Director, Technical Advisor: Bruce Whitelaw
Membership/Outreach Co-Chair: Hannah Hanlon
Operations Chair: Madonna Cardoulis
Festival Chair: Alice Mannion
Special Events Chair: Tina Power
Sponsorship: Tracy Duffy
Sports Development: Ann Brazil
Travel Chair: Treva Aberle
Team Captain: Madonna Cardoulis
Assistant Captain: Anna O'Connell